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  • Strangely Beautiful Land: Land of Injustice*
    Europeans who come to the United States can choose between two ways of life. The first join the larger part of American society, whose lives revolve around two-story homes, income tax, women's clubs, baseball, grilled steaks, Saturday evening parties, Sunday morning churchgoing, traveling to California or Puerto Rico, and problems with the housemaid or the family psychiatrist. The second, less popular option, brings with it involvement in the ugly problems of the United States.…

  • Feminismus Reloaded—Frauenreise nach Istanbul (English). Überarb. von Arzu Altuğ. Frauen in Europa—Frauen in der Türkei. Reisebericht 12. bis 19. September 2009. Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V.

  • Audre Lorde—Her Struggles and Her Visions. Tagung Gender is Happening, Berlin, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 7.7.09.

* Original version: “Seltsam schönes Land. Land der Ungerechtigkeit.” Frankfurter Hefte, vol. 21 (Sept. 1066), 628‐634. Translated from the German by Jared Leighton and Andrew Timm; translation reviewed by Dagmar Schultz. A comment on the language used: This article was written at a time when the term “Negro” had not yet been replaced by “Black” or “African American.” Since this is a translation of my article I decided to replace the use of the “N” word. (Dagmar Schultz)